Sunday, July 5, 2009

NCVPS Culture Cafe

The Culture Cafe is a new social and educational setting that brings together current, former and future NCVPS world language students in an online environment in order to immerse them in the culture of online world languages. Former students can stay connected to the language they have learned, current students will get to practice the language and future students can gain a sneak peak at our robust world language courses.

Look at our upcoming sessions at (


  1. I think it was a GREAT topic and very interactive. We had few teachers and few students. I believe as this is done more regularly people will being attending more. (Maria Pardo)

  2. I really enjoyed the presentation. I really learned a lot and it was very interesting!

  3. This could be a great tool that allows students of different levels to share the topics of same interests. It should be incorporated into the course and let students to be the contributors of this blog. Anyway, it is a good start.
